Saturday, April 12, 2014

Floating Thoughts

So I've more or less been on this "journey of self-discovery" (and by that I mean dreaming of all the possibilities that the future could hold for me in the way of career/ministry) for a while now, and I don't know how far down the trail I've gotten yet. That's okay for now because I think there needs to be a certain level of unknown involved. That's what keeps your eyes open and your heart humble. I'll go ahead and admit that sometimes it's a little frustrating not knowing what the next step is, and, at times, even more frustrating feeling like all of my time is tied up in responsible grown-up things (mainly I mean work, here) and at the end of the day I don't have much time or energy to put into things that push me towards my own goals and desires.

Out of everything I can see myself doing in the future, I honestly would like to pursue writing at some capacity. I don't know if that means sticking with a blog or publishing a book!

When I dare to admit this book possibility, so many lies pop into my head about how I can't do it, how there are so many obstacles, how it would be such an investment risk...etc. The list is quite long, actually.

But I feel like I have thoughts to share with the world... With specific people in the world, even. I think one thing that God is trying to teach me is that yeah, I don't know how to publish or market or network or whatever, but for now what I need to do is focus on being obedient in the next step on this journey. I can't do any of those other things and it isn't even time to worry about them yet, but when it is time, God is the One who is supposed to see it through if it's something He has asked of me. I really don't have much to do with the equation.

I apologize if these thoughts seem disjoint. (I know that probably isn't good advertising for any book...)  But these are things floating around in my head for the time being.

Hopefully there are more profound things to come! lol
