Monday, June 20, 2011

Storms: Burden or Blessing?

As it starts to thunder and lightning outside, I start thinking of how much I like thunderstorms. They're exciting and powerful and perhaps even a bit dangerous. But there's also a lot of mystery involved... You don't know exactly when the lightning will strike, or where. You don't know how loud the thunder is going to be until you hear it roll.

When I was a kid, I wasn't scared to death of storms, but I can remember that at times, they really weren't my favorite. I had younger siblings who were quite frightened, though. I remembered trying to comfort them and tell them that it was going to be okay. But no matter how much I tried to calm them down, they were still always ready to run into mom and dad's room for safety. An older brother or sister is able to give advice, and even comfort and encourage their younger siblings, but they're really no contest with a mom or dad to shelter them and make them feel secure.

So let's take this and run with an analogy... (something I love to do! Especially when it can help us gain some insight into our Creator.)

Here's your key:
thunderstorms = storms and trials of life
older sibling = someone who has been a believer longer (generally speaking, but not necessarily), and has some wisdom to share
parents = God

Now think of that story in this new context. It's pretty cool how God can use something on our terms to help us understand something much bigger, isn't it? That's what Jesus did when He told parables.

So, God, Creator of thunderstorms, is also the creator/allower of the storms we face in our lives. So it's good and necessary to seek wise counsel here on earth from fellow believers. We have to do that! That's why being a Christ-follower isn't a go-it-alone project. God gave us each other to sharpen each other, and to encourage each other. But in the storms that He allows us to go through in our lives, ultimately, it's Him that we have to run to. He's the One with stronger arms, He's the One who sees the entire picture. He's our greatest Comforter, and the only One who is able to satisfy our fears and doubts in the midst of the storms.

Why isn't it our first response to run to Him when the storms hit? In our moments of greatest weakness, it's His job to be strong. But He can't do that unless we run as fast as we can into His arms, and seek His comfort. Sadly, I think that a lot of us are much unlike my younger siblings all that time ago, because their very first instinct was to run across the hall into my parent's bedroom and jump in their bed. They wanted nothing more than to feel safe. After all, parents are bigger than older sisters. Their arms are stronger. They know how to comfort better. They make us feel safer.

So in the world do we try and get by without seeking God's comfort? After all, God is bigger than anyone here on earth that would help us. He's so much more strong, there's not a way to compare anyone to Him (Psalm 9:9; when it says "stronghold", it literally means strong hold). He knows how to comfort better, too (Psalm 23:4, 119:50, Isaiah 51:12a, 66:13, Jeremiah 31:13). There's no one that could make us feel more safe than the One who has the storms under His control (Matthew 10:26-31, 8:23-27).

So it's really cool, but God has/is totally teaching me to run to Him. He's had to bring on the storms so He could teach me, which (as hard as they are,) I have to count them as absolute blessings from Him. (Perhaps this is the part where you scratch your head and think to yourself, 'Now how does that make sense? Being thankful for storms?') You heard me right! (Well, technically you read it....but you knew what I meant, okay? :) )Yes, He's teaching me to be THANKFUL for the storms in my life! That's the other thing I wish to address...

In church a couple of weeks ago, my mind couldn't help but think on the fact that everything God allows or causes is for a reason. Let me put the pieces of that puzzle together real quick before we move on:
1) God is not bound by time
2) therefore, God is able to see the entire picture, not only of our lives, but of how everything fits so perfectly into His plan
3) God has a plan
4) God's plan is absolutely perfect, because He is absolutely Perfect. (Think about it...He's literally the author of perfection!!)
5) God is all-powerful
6) therefore, God is able to see His plan through
7) God always always ALWAYS has our best interest at the forefront of His plan, and actions (okay, how many times have we all heard Jeremiah 29:11 in our lives? Seriously! Anytime we've ever sung that song in church, it sticks in my head all too well. (lol) )

Okay, time for a sum-up. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7=God allows hardships in our lives FOR OUR BENEFIT!

It's absolutely impossible to know the mind of God, because He is so so so so SO set apart from us. BUT something I've been hearing a ton from an "older sibling" lately is this: "Even if you can't see God's hand, you have to learn to trust His heart." Meaning this- even if we aren't able to see how storms are blessings (especially in the midst of them!!), we have GOT to trust that God (A) has control of absolutely everything, and (B) knows what He's doing!

God has really been teaching me all of this in what I'll call "real life terms". I'm guessing that I've probably known intellectually everything I've said so far since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. (Don't judge me.) But only now is God showing me and teaching me what it means in the real world, when storms do happen. And so in light of ALL of this, what other conclusion is to be had than that I have no choice but to be thankful??!

Let me just put it this way... Me? I don't really know so much. Especially when you compare what I know to what God knows...yikes! But God?? What doesn't He know??! So do I want to choose what's best for me? Heck no, techno!!! How could I do that? I don't even know what's best for me! But God does. How can I not want Him to be the One who figures my life out for me? (fyi, He already has) And guess what? Storms are a part of that. But He allows them to cause me to grow and to seek my shelter in His strong, strong arms. What choice do I have but to run to Him? He's the only One who is fit to hold my heart safe when there's rain and lightning all around me? He holds my heart safe and secure from the wind and the storm by holding it next to His.

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