Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh, Blog, It's Been Far Too Long...

Hello all! Wow! I didn't realize how long it's been since I've graced you with my words or wisdom! (TOTALLY kidding.) It would take like...307 posts to tell you everything God has shown me since October, so I'm not sure that going through everything step-by-step, post-by-post since then is such a great idea. (I really feel like you'd all give up on me after like...3 of them or something, and I sure wouldn't blame you!)

Even now, God is teaching me bunches, so I sit here in my little chair in my living room, struggling with what to share! One thing that's been very much in the forefront of my mind/life/thoughts/recent sermons/things I've been reading/my experience with other people--Sheesh, when God wants you to learn something He won't hesitate to shell it out full-force. Anyway--is simply the fact that God must be what fills you.

How many times do we seek things that we think are going to sustain us or make us happy when in all kinds of reality, they can't. They just can't.

I don't claim to know a lot, but this is something I do know (very very very very well, I might add):

We were created to have a void in us that ONLY He is able to fill. (You're probably nodding your head in agreement, saying to yourself 'well, yeah. duh', and reading that statement passively. Most of the time, that's probably how I would operate, too. So do me a favor--I'm going to say it again, and this time, PLEASE let the weight of that statement sink in. Ready? Are you sure? I really don't want anyone to miss this!! Okay, here goes...)

We were created to have a void in us that ONLY He is able to fill.

Did you catch it that time? I'll say it again if I need to. This can't be missed.
We were created to have a void in us that ONLY He is able to fill.

Starting to get the picture? Okay, good. I pray ever so sincerely that you'd apply this truth in your life--no matter what that may mean! If that means changing habit or priorities or allowing Christ to captivate you all over again or even for the first time, then so be it!*
*(If you would like to discuss what that means for you or you need some encouragement, then I HIGHLY encourage you to seek someone out to share with!)

For me, allowing God to be what fills me means not allowing myself to be filled by other things. Whether this be school, work, family, any kind of relationship with any kind of other person...These things are good things that He gives us (see 2 Samuel 7:28, Matthew 7:11, Psalm 84:11, 34:10, 104:28, 107:9....there are a lot.), and I believe that He really wants to give us good things! But these good things can't take the place of the ultimate Good thing--God Himself. Notice the difference between good thing and Good thing.

So question...if God wants to give us what's good, and the best of what's good is what's Good, then what does He desire to give us most?? He wants to give us Himself! We were created to have a "God-shaped hole in our hearts" (like my mom used to say, God bless her! But really, what an incredible example to follow! Love you!), and as humans, our natural, sinful, and first instinct is to reach for whatever we can find to fill it.---EVEN as believers! But see, brothers and sisters, those things don't, can't, and won't satisfy us. The hole, or void in us really is God-shaped. It's like a puzzle. There's only one thing that's supposed to fit there! And in this particular case, we can even try to put multiple pieces in there at the same time, and it will still never fit or be enough! All we end up doing is making a complete MESS of everything. Romans 7:18-24 captures this thought well. I can speak to that one from my own personal experience. (If you want to know more, please ask! I would be honored if God would use my experience to help someone else!!)

I can tell you that I've unintentionally tried filling that void with things and people besides God. I can also tell you that it didn't work out so well.

So here's my point, I guess...

We were created to have a void in us that ONLY He is able to fill.

It is my hope and prayer, dear friends, that we can lock arms and walk toward Him together! We may be encouraging and affirming each other along the way, but let's make sure that we don't get distracted by one another. Our goal should remain the same--to be continuously and fervently seeking our Savior, and finding every and all of our satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, peace, love, hope, beauty in Him and Him alone.

Who's up for it?!!

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Hey, I would love to know what you think about the ideas presented here. Let's talk about Jesus! It doesn't happen enough, let's change that! Leave your comment please :)